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Transparent, public reporting on our activities, commitments and performance is embedded in how we do business at Nestlé.

We include a summary of our approach and performance on important topics in our annual review and publish more details in our Non-Financial Statement.


Our 2024 performance summary

20.38 %
93.5 %
21.3 %
2.72 million m3
44.5 %
132 billion
21.3 %
10.2 million
47.4 %

Our Non-Financial Statement 2024 was independently assured by Ernst & Young Ltd (EY). They have provided limited assurance on select environmental, social and governance, KPIs , which can be found here: Independent assurance (pdf, 4Mb)
Our Reporting Scope and Methodology for ESG KPIs (pdf, 4Mb) document provides details and definitions.
Nestlé’s Non-Financial Statement 2024 has been produced with reference to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Standard for the Processed Foods sector which can be found here: GRI and SASB Index (pdf, 4Mb)

We hope you found these documents interesting and informative. If you have any feedback that you'd like to share with us, you can contact our Public Affairs team via email.