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What are you doing to reduce sugar in your products?

We achieved our extended 2020 commitment to reduce the sugars we add in our foods and beverages.

Since 2017, we’ve reduced added sugars by 5.1%.

Between 2000 and 2013 we reduced the amount of table sugar in our products by 32%, with a real focus on children’s foods.

In 2014 we committed to a further 10% sugar reduction by 2016 in products that did not meet our nutritional criteria (pdf, 882Kb). By the end of 2016 we’d reduced sugar by 39,000 tonnes (8% on average) in these products.

We base our nutritional criteria on scientific and public health recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO) and other top international and national authorities.

Seven per cent of our total portfolio (including some more indulgent products), does not currently meet our strict criteria for sugar, although they may be healthier than rival products.

We’ll continue to reduce sugar in our foods and beverages as quickly as possible. Some people claim that we aren’t moving fast enough, but we need to get the process right. Food should be both nutritious and delicious.

While we focus on dialing back sugar in our products, it is important to distinguish between sugar that occurs naturally in fruits, vegetables or dairy products, and added table sugar (which, as its name suggests, can be added to increase sweet taste). Our focus is on reducing the latter.

Read more about how we reduce sugar in our products: Nestlé Policy on Sugars (pdf, 2 Mb).

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