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Independent assurance

We engage two third-party organizations to provide independent assurance of our reporting.
Bureau Veritas has provided independent assurance of the accuracy, reliability and objectivity of the information relating to selected sustainability-related performance disclosures included in this report, and that the report covers our material issues.
The assurance process is conducted in line with the requirements of the AA1000 Assurance Standard (AA1000AS v3) Type 2 at a moderate level of assurance.
Read the independent assurance statement (pdf, 300Kb) from Bureau Veritas.
In addition, we engage EY to provide independent assurance on the selected key performance indicators of high strategic importance included in our performance summary.
This assurance engagement is performed in accordance with the International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000 to provide limited assurance.
Read the independent assurance statement (pdf, 377Kb) from EY.
Our Reporting Scope and Methodology for ESG Key Performance Indicators (pdf, 100Kb) document provides details and definitions of the selected key performance indicators.
Our Reporting Scope and Methodology for Nutrition Value Transparency Key Performance Indicators provides details and definitions for our reporting on this topic.