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We partner with suppliers all over the world to offer our products and brands in more than 188 countries.

Our suppliers are an integral part of our value chain, that's why we believe strong relationships with them are critical to business success.

Supplier Portal

Our Supplier Portal is an online platform to help support efficient collaboration between Nestlé and our global supplier base.

The portal provides our suppliers with secure access to important processes and tools. Through the platform, active suppliers can access information related to their contracts as well as tools to manage bidding, ordering, delivery and payment activities.

Man rolling recyclable Nesquik packaging


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Responsible sourcing

Our Nestlé Responsible Sourcing Core Requirements (pdf, 2Mb) (the “Requirements”) describe the requirements that need to be complied with by all actors forming, directly or indirectly, part of our supply chain.

They contribute to the implementation in our supply chain of our commitment towards the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct, the International Bill of Human Rights and the principles concerning fundamental rights set out in the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. They complement other Nestlé commitments, strategies and frameworks, such as our Human Rights Framework and Roadmap (pdf, 5Mb) and associated Human Rights Salient Issue Action Plans (PDF, 14Mb), our Net Zero Roadmap (pdf, 26Mb), our Agriculture Framework (pdf, 19Mb), and our Forest Positive Strategy (pdf, 11Mb).

Find out more about how we implement the Requirements worldwide through our commitment to responsible sourcing.

We verify alignment to and compliance with these Requirements using different methods at different tiers of the supply chain. The tools used to assess compliance depend on the supply chain tier and the level of risk. Risk is assessed taking into consideration different criteria, such as the country(ies) of operation and of origin (for materials and ingredients), the level of spending, and the type of goods or service supplied to Nestlé.

The Requirements are an integral part of all of our purchase orders and supply contracts. Through our Responsible Sourcing Tier 1 program, we verify compliance with the Requirements by our direct suppliers either sharing a combination of existing relevant certifications such as ISO 14001, SA8000, FSSC 24000 or ISO 45001 or through them undergoing independent ethical audits carried out by audit firms accredited by Nestlé. These audits follow the SMETA Best Practice Guidance (pdf, 2Mb).

We have also identified priority materials and ingredients that present a higher risk of environmental and/or social issues. In those cases, we work closely with our direct suppliers and other partners to conduct a supply chain mapping and carry out assessments in the upstream supply chain.

Non-compliances identified must be addressed by the relevant entity through a time-bound action plan agreed with Nestlé, which will include prevention, mitigation and remediation actions, as appropriate.

Nestlé may suspend the relationship with the direct supplier or require suspension of the direct supplier’s non-compliant site(s), sub-contractor(s) or sub-tier supplier(s) until an action plan is agreed, or during the execution of the action plan, should the timelines or actions be delayed or not executed as agreed. In case of suspension, the direct supplier, site(s), subcontractor(s) or sub-tier supplier(s) may be allowed to re-enter Nestlé’s supply chain if there is clear evidence that practices have improved to the required level.

In many cases, issues are identified that require long-term, tailored interventions to tackle their root causes. To help address the complex factors that contribute to those issues, we implement complementary frameworks and strategies (e.g. Human Rights Salient Issue Action Plans, Agriculture Framework).

Note: The Nestlé Responsible Sourcing Core Requirements replaces and supersedes the Nestlé Responsible Sourcing Standard adopted in 2018. Any references to the Standard should be considered as references to the Requirements.


Key documents for suppliers