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The Nestlé Waters Pledge



Our Waters business aims to lead the regeneration of local water cycles to help create a positive water impact everywhere it operates by 2025.

We want to expand our current efforts to manage water responsibly beyond our own bottled-water operations and increase our collaboration with partners to identify and support local solutions. Our aim is to develop more than 100 projects to help nature retain more water than our bottled-water business uses.


Our progress toward better water management in our bottled-water business

8.2 millions m3


Our key actions toward creating a positive water impact

Water stewardship

Nestlé Waters wants to play an active role in helping conserve water resources everywhere we operate. To do so, we will work with partners at a local level to develop tailored solutions.

We use a robust approach built on five steps: saving water, protecting the quality of natural water sources and catchment, sharing our knowledge, contributing to communities and certifying all our sites to the Alliance for Water Stewardship Standard by 2025.

Helping regenerate water cycles

By 2025, we aim to use our expertise to help advance the regeneration of local water cycles by identifying and implementing projects in areas where we operate. We are designing projects which enable watersheds to capture more water than is used in bottling operations, while helping to protect natural habitats. Projects are selected and tailored to address specific local challenges. These are based on a mix of nature-based and technical solutions to improve water quality or quantity and create a positive water impact.

The projects support:

  • Reforestation efforts to help prevent run-off
  • Wetland restoration and rainwater harvesting
  • Drip irrigation to reduce water withdrawals

All of the projects are measurable using the World Resources Institute’s Volumetric Water Benefit Accounting methodology. This provides consistency in analyzing water management activities and helps ensure that such activities address current and future shared water needs and issues.



Regenerating local water cycles to benefit nature and communities

While climate change, drought and water stress are global issues, solutions must be local and holistic

We are working beyond our factories on tailored projects and partnerships that protect and retain water, respecting the differences of each watershed

Why watersheds matter

Watersheds refer to the area of land from which all surface run-off flows through a sequence of streams, rivers, aquifers and lakes into the sea or another outlet. They are essential to communities, agriculture, industry and biodiversity

Our projects will help solve shared water challenges for generations to come and enable local watersheds to capture as much water as is used in Nestlé’s bottling operations

By the end of 2025, projects will be in place at all Nestlé Waters sites, focusing on Water Quantity, Water Quality and Biodiversity

All our water sites will be certified by the leading global alliance for water stewardship by the end of 2025

8 million m3 volumetric water benefit* delivered by end of 2024 *retained and protected in the watersheds

Our pledge is to lead the regeneration of local water cycles everywhere we bottle water

Water infrastructure projects

Education on
water protection

Drip irrigation

Restoring canals

Water Quantity Water Quality Biodiversity

Cleaning up

Waste water


Restoring aquatic

Water benefit calculated according to the VWBA methodology

Download the infographic (pdf, 3Mb) 

Collaborating to solve the challenge

Water is a shared resource, so caring for it must be done through collaborative actions. Through partnerships in the locations where we operate, we can make a difference to inspire regenerative water approaches.

To review the relevance and sustainability of our Nestlé Waters’ projects, we have established an external panel of non-governmental organizations and academic bodies, including representatives from The Nature Conservancy, the Global World Challenge and the CEO Water Mandate. We will continue to provide this panel with full transparency on our water usage at each of our sites and on what our projects aim to contribute. 

In 2023, Nestlé participated in a global working group to design the latest standardized approach and indicators to quantify how sound water stewardship can generate social, economic and environmental benefits. Convened by the World Resources Institute, the consortium updated the Volumetric Water Benefit Accounting standards, known as VWBA 2.0, enabling companies and communities to assess and measure quantitative benefits derived from water-related projects.

Lowland river with overhanging trees