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2014 Nestlé Investor Seminar

The 2014 Nestlé Investor Seminar took place on 3-4 June in Boston, USA. The first day was dedicated to North America, with presentations from business heads. The second day focused on Latin America.

Agenda and presentations

Tuesday June 3 2014

08:15 - 08:25 | Introduction, Wan Ling Martello, CFO, Nestlé S.A. Watch the video webcast (3'59")

08:25 - 08:30 | Zone Americas, Chris Johnson, Head of Zone Americas, Nestlé S.A. Watch the video webcast (5'51")

08:30 - 09:00 | Nestlé in the USA (pdf, 1.7Mb) , Paul Grimwood, Chairman and CEO, Nestlé USA. Watch the video webcast (31'43")

09:00 - 10:00 | Food (pdf, 3Mb), Jeff Hamilton, President of Nestlé Prepared Foods Division, Nestlé USA Watch the video webcast (31'43") / John Carmichael, President, Pizza and Hot Pockets Division, Nestlé USA. Watch the video webcast (21'05")

Audience Q+A | Watch the video webcast (30'02") and read the audience Q&A transcript (pdf, 290Kb)

10:15 - 11:00 | Ice Cream (pdf, 1.4Mb), Robert Kilmer, President, Nestlé Dreyer’s Ice Cream, Nestlé USA. Watch the video webcast (35'28")

11:00 - 11:45 | Beverages (pdf, 1.5Mb), Rob Case, President, Beverage Division, Nestlé USA. Watch the video webcast (35'25")

11:45 - 12:15 | Confections and Snacks (pdf, 1.2Mb), Doreen Ida, President Confections & Snacks, Nestlé USA. Watch the video webcast (29'57")

13:30 - 14:15 | PetCare (pdf, 1.7Mb), W. Patrick McGinnis, President & CEO, Nestlé Purina PetCare Company - Americas. Watch the video webcast (45'51")

14:15 - 15:00 | Waters (pdf, 2Mb), Tim Brown, Chairman, President & CFO, Nestlé Waters North America. Watch the video webcast (35'38")

15:00 - 15:45 | Infant Nutrition (pdf, 1.6Mb), Gary William Tickle, President and CEO, Nestlé Nutrition North America. Watch the video webcast (35'27")

16:00 - 16:30 | Nespresso (pdf, 1.5Mb), Christophe Cornu, Chief Commercial Officer, Nestlé Nespresso S.A.. Watch the video webcast (37'42")

16:30 - 17:15 | Nestlé Professional (pdf, 1Mb), Perry Miele, Regional Business Head (President), Nestlé Professional, North America – Food. Watch the video webcast (21'03")

17:15 - 18:00 | Nestlé Health Science (pdf, 2Mb), David Yates, Regional Business Head, North America, Nestlé Healthcare Nutrition, Inc.

18:00 - 18:30 | Wrap up, Wan Ling Martello, CFO, Nestlé S.A.

Wednesday June 4, 2014

08:15 - 08:20 | Introduction, Wan Ling Martello, CFO, Nestlé S.A., Chris Johnson, head of Americas. Watch the video webcast (06'13")

08:20 - 09:20 | Brazil (pdf, 1.4Mb), Juan Carlos Marroquín, CEO, Nestlé Brasil Ltda. Watch the video webcast (48'37")

09:20 - 10:20 | Mexico (pdf, 1.6Mb), Marcelo Melchior, President & CEO, Grupo Nestlé Mexico, S.A. de CV. Watch the video webcast (55'00")

10:40 - 12:40 | Final Q+A session with Paul Bulcke, CEO, Wan Ling Martello, CFO, and Chris Johnson, Head of Zone Americas. Watch the video webcast (120') and read the Q&A transcript (pdf, 433Kb)