Nestlé has retained its number one ranking in the Behind the Brands ranking, a scorecard for the food industry published by the non-governmental organisation (NGO) Oxfam. Oxfam ranks ten consumer food and beverage companies against a set of criteria which includes their policies towards women in their supply chain, farmers and land rights.
Nestlé’s leadership in efforts to combat climate change is recognised with a score of 8 out of 10 on that indicator, a score Oxfam describes as ‘good’. The company also outperforms its peers on the issues of workers’ rights, transparency and water policy.
Nestlé has supported the efforts of Oxfam and other NGO’s in their efforts to make progress towards a sustainable food system while making clear its belief that cooperation between civil society, government and business is the best way to bring this about.
Find out more about how Nestlé allows independent auditors to examine its activities and how it Creates Shared Value throughout the supply chain.