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Pacific Alliance Youth Summit

28 - 29 June 2018

Pacific Alliance Youth Summit 2018

Helping young people access economic opportunities, a priority of the third Pacific Alliance Youth Summit, Cali, Colombia

Nestlé has a long tradition of recruiting young people directly from schools or universities. Focusing on creating first job experiences, we first launched the Nestlé needs YOUth initiative in Europe in 2013.

Nestlé is committed to helping young people enter the world of work through this initiative, which is now global, and aims to help 10 million young people across the world access economic opportunities by 2030.

According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), 18.5% of young people in Latin America and the Caribbean aged 15-24 were unemployed in 2017.

By rolling-out Nestlé Needs YOUth in the Pacific Alliance countries, Mexico, Chile, Peru and Colombia, Nestlé has committed to creating jobs, apprenticeships and traineeship opportunities, and providing readiness-for-work training.

We will do so as part of the Alliance for Youth, which we founded in 2017 with 36 other companies in these countries. Together we have committed to creating 17,000 employment opportunities for young people by 2019.

On June 28-29, Laurent Freixe, CEO of Nestlé Americas, shared our Nestlé Needs YOUth’s achievements with the emphasis on dual learning, entrepreneurship and innovation.

Through this event, we wanted to generate a commitment amongst everyone who attended the summit to enhancing quality of life and contributing to a healthier future, by developing prosperous communities and promoting employment.

Investing in today’s youth is a win for everybody’s future: our business, the communities we live in and the planet we live on.

Download the full event programme (pdf, 1 Mb)