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Nestlé holds 99.63% of Henniez

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Vevey, Switzerland

As of the end of the additional acceptance period on 29 November 2007, Nestlé Suisse S.A. holds 39,851 Sources Minérales Henniez S.A. (SMH) shares amounting to 99.63% of the share capital and the voting rights of Henniez.

Until the expiry of the additional acceptance period, Nestlé obtained 15,188 SMH shares tendered into the offer. This corresponds to 99.03% of the publicly held 15,337 SMH shares at the time of the publication of the offer. Together with the 24,663 SMH shares acquired from the Rouge family, Nestlé holds a total of 39,851 SMH shares, which corresponds to 99.63% of the share capital and the voting rights of SMH.

The offer price per SMH share amounts to CHF 5,303 net in cash and will be paid, for the SMH shares validly tendered during the additional acceptance period, with value date of 13 December 2007.

As indicated previously, Nestlé intends to delist the SMH shares and to apply for the cancellation of the remaining SMH shares, in accordance with art. 33 of the Swiss Federal Act on Stock Exchanges and Securities Trading.

Nestlé will publish the final result of the public offer on 5 December 2007 in German in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung and in French in l'AGEFI.

Media: François-Xavier Perroud Tel.: +41-21-924 2596
Investors: Roddy Child-Villiers Tel.: +41-21-924 3622