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Pioneering cellular nutrition for healthy aging

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A major hallmark of aging is the deterioration in cell function, a process that often begins in our 40s and accelerates in our 60s, leading to a loss of energy, strength and resilience and overall poor health. This process of aging known as age-associated cellular decline (AACD) is partially driven by reduced mitochondrial function. Mitochondria is an intracellular organelle that acts as the power plant of our cells by producing energy from the food we eat.

Nestlé Health Science announced today the launch of Celltrient™ Cellular Nutrition, a breakthrough range of nutritional solutions that work at the cellular level. The Celltrient range is formulated with cellular nutrients that support mitochondrial health and help address three of the major drivers of AACD. AACD can lead to reductions in daily energy levels, muscle function and protection from oxidative stress and damage.

Nestlé scientists have been studying the process of aging, looking at ways to promote healthy aging by restoring cellular health with nutrition. Their work allowed Nestlé to select the most relevant processes involved in cellular decline that could be impacted by specific nutrients. These are nutrients that can be found in food, but that one cannot easily get through the normal diet, and that have the capacity to help restore age-related natural cellular processes.

The three featured ingredients selected for the range of Celltrient products, TruNiagen® Nicotinamide Riboside, Glycine & N-Acetyl Cysteine (GlyNAC) and Mitopure™ Urolithin A, are new ingredients that have been shown to have an impact on mitochondria. Nicotinamide Riboside is an alternative form of vitamin B-3 and a natural precursor of NAD+, a molecule that plays a critical role in cellular energy production. GlyNAC is a blend of two amino acids that are the natural building blocks of glutathione, a powerful anti-oxidant produced by the body. Urolithin A is a metabolite formed from certain foods like pomegranates and can help activate mitochondria renewal.

"Our research has helped to characterize these ingredients and to demonstrate how they work at the cellular level, allowing us to provide science-based evidence to optimize doses and substantiate health benefits claims," says Philipp Gut, one of the lead investigators of cellular nutrition research at Nestlé. "This work is a key step in the development of the next generations of cellular ingredients and for exploring novel cellular nutrition applications for specific medical needs, such as conditions related to impaired mobility and metabolic diseases."

Nestlé scientists have worked on product formulation and developed technologies to enhance the stability and the palatability of these cellular ingredients in food matrices. "This allowed us to launch the Celltrient product range in novel formats, including ready-to-mix, water soluble tip-ins, overcoming major technical challenges," comments Susan Haid, Head of the Nestlé Product Technology Centre of Nestlé Health Science in Bridgewater, New Jersey.

"At Nestlé Health Science, we’re thrilled to be at the forefront of the revolution in cellular nutrition," adds Greg Behar, CEO of Nestlé Health Science. "As people age, we know that there is a gap between how they want to feel and how they are actually feeling. With Celltrient, we can help people transform the way their cells perform with age, ultimately helping them improve the health of their cells with nutrition."

The complete Celltrient portfolio of targeted cellular nutrition drinks and supplements is available for purchase in the United States through

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