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How is Nestlé supporting balanced diets?

On September 28, 2023, we published our updated nutrition approach. It reflects our ambition to bring tasty and balanced diets within reach for billions around the world, today and for generations to come. 

It is important for us to provide people with transparent nutrition information to make informed food choices for a balanced diet. 
To bring this to life, our nutrition approach has two pillars: portfolio & products and communication & services. To help us deliver on our ambition we have set two priorities. 

Our priority is to grow our portfolio segments with a Health Star Rating (HSR) ≥ 3.5 and Specialized Nutrition. We have set a new and ambitious target to grow the sales of more nutritious products by CHF 20-25 billion by 2030, representing about 50% growth over 2022 sales.1

We will deliver on our priority through three main actions: 

  • Continue to invest in R&D to innovate and renovate our products including through micronutrient fortification 
  • Expand our affordable, plant-based and nutrition offerings, notably for children and healthy ageing 
  • Allocate significant marketing spend to these two segments 

Our second priority is to guide consumers towards balanced consumption, that is regular consumption of nutritious foods – including plenty of vegetables, fruits, pulses and whole grain – and moderation of more indulgent options.  

To support this, we have set two new commitments for our confectionery and ice cream categories, where local regulation allows: 

  • All our children's portions will be 110 kcal or less 
  • All our multi-serve products will have clear front-of-pack portion guidance 

This comes on top of our new Policy (pdf, 2Mb) to restrict marketing to children under 16 years old. To complement our actions, we will roll-out digital services platforms, AI powered, including nutritious recipes, menu planning and healthy lifestyle tips.

Our nutrition approach is anchored in commitments such as transparency on the nutritional value of the portfolio, sodium reduction and responsible marketing practices.

To support our approach and the achievement of our commitments, we have developed a suite of specific tools for our teams across functions and geographies.

The details of our updated nutrition approach are available on the nutrition page of our website.

1 The target assumes constant foreign exchange rates. Should any material acquisitions or divestitures take place, the target may be adjusted accordingly.

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